Web Analytics

Category: Information Technology

Why automate?

Why Automate?

Organizations of all sizes and sectors are looking for new ways to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and maximize resources. This is where automation can help. Here are our top reasons for why your organization should be leveraging automation.

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Dark Patterns

Manipulative by Design: An Introduction to Dark Patterns

Dark patterns are deceptive techniques used in web design and marketing, which are designed to manipulate users into doing things they didn’t intend. Read on to learn more about Confirmshaming, The Roach Motel, and other dark pattern techniques.

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Recommended Bitwarden Settings - Multi-Factor Authentication

FireOak’s Recommended Bitwarden Settings

Bitwarden is a great password management tool. Following are FireOak’s recommended Bitwarden settings, all of which we strongly recommend enabling for enterprise accounts. If possible, configure these organizational policies and settings before deploying for users.

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Is it time to retire your organization's file servers?

It’s Time to Retire Your File Servers

While on-premises file servers (i.e., the S:\ drive) may have been the go-to solution in the past for collaboration, they pose several knowledge management and cybersecurity challenges.

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