Governance Frameworks
Information & Data Governance
Governance includes an organization’s overall approach and framework for how they manage their information and data. It includes policies, procedures, and compliance with external regulations and requirements such as HIPPA or GDPR. An organization’s governance framework should clearly indicate roles and responsibilities for all aspects of information management and information security.

From the FireOak Blog
News and insights from the FireOak team about managing, securing, and sharing knowledge

SEC Public Company Cybersecurity Disclosures
The SEC implemented regulations mandating that public companies reveal and report on material cybersecurity incidents they experience.

Security Risks with ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
While ChatGPT and other AI platforms have tons of work-related benefits, they also introduce new security risks for organizations. Read more about the risks and FireOak’s recommendations.

The Importance of Cloud to Cloud Backups
5 reasons why you should use cloud-to-cloud backups to protect your data stored in cloud platforms.