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Intranet Content for July

Intranet content for July

Ideas for Intranet Content for July 2024

As the height of summer approaches, take advantage of this opportunity to spotlight three key themes via your corporate intranet: accessibility, Disability Pride Month, and the International Day of Friendship. For an internal focus, July provides an ideal time for the organizational leadership team to reflect on achievements to date and share any changes to organizational goals and objectives.

Here are some specific ideas for intranet content for the month of July: 

Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month, which can be a great opportunity to celebrate the diversity within your organization and local or professional community. By promoting Disability Pride Month on your company intranet, you can help raise awareness, foster a more inclusive workplace culture, and show support for employees with disabilities.

A few ways to celebrate Disability Pride Month through the intranet:

  • Organize virtual (or in-person) events, such as webinars or panel discussions, focusing on disability awareness and inclusion topics. Promote and/or host these events on your intranet.
  • Highlight updates to company policies or practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), such as workplace accessibility accommodations.
  • Provide a space on your intranet for staff members to give feedback on disability inclusion efforts and engage in discussion on how to improve accessibility support within your organization.

National Video Game Day (July 8)

Video games provide entertainment, as well as some educational benefits in certain circumstances. They also affect and shape popular culture. National Video Games Day (different from National Video Games Day in September) is an occasion to recognize and celebrate video games as a form of media — but it can also be a fun opportunity to infuse your company’s intranet with a touch of pop culture. 

A few ideas:

  • Host a video game trivia event on your intranet. Include questions about popular video games, gaming history, and fun facts.
  • Provide a space for staff members to discuss and share gaming recommendations. This is also a great way for staff to learn more about their colleagues with similar interests!
  • Depending on your company culture, consider hosting virtual gaming events where staff can join in and play together.

These activities can help promote teamwork, creativity, and engagement among staff members, while also adding some fun activities to the workplace.

International Day of Friendship (July 30)

July 30th is the International Day of Friendship, a day to acknowledge and value the role of friendship in our lives. The UN General Assembly declared the International Day of Friendship in 2011 to promote the idea that friendship among peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can foster peace and connect communities. The workplace can foster and facilitate friendships among colleagues.

  • Encourage employees to post stories and/or photographs of meaningful friendships cultivated at work or to post messages celebrating friendship broadly. Use the intranet as a virtual wall for this content.
  • Host a virtual coffee hour on your intranet for staff members to get together and connect with one another.
  • Provide e-cards for employees to send to their friends within the company.

Friendship should be celebrated more than once a year. These ideas can be incorporated into your organization’s intranet whenever it feels right.

Company-Wide Mid-Year Updates

As part of standard business practices, most organizations use the halfway point of the year to fine-tune annual goals and objectives, and make strategic adjustments as needed. Sometimes these mid-year updates are shared with staff via email or during all-staff meetings, but leverage the intranet for this type of knowledge sharing and communication as well. 

In addition to official announcements and updates, the intranet can provide additional context and insights from senior leaders. Using blog posts, video interviews, or internal podcasts, use this opportunity to share with staff reflections about how the organization has fared, what’s gone well so far this year, what goals have been met, where course correction is needed, and where to expect more changes. 

If your organization has town hall meetings or other types of all-staff meetings, don’t forget to capture and publish recordings for staff who were unable to attend and to benefit new staff who join the organization shortly after such events. 

Other Ideas

Other ideas to consider for July intranet content: 

  • July 1: Canada Day (CA)
  • July 4: Independence Day (USA)
  • July 7: World Chocolate Day
  • July 14: Shark Awareness Day
  • July: 17: World Emoji Day

Looking for more ways to enhance your intranet, freshen up an intranet, or build a new intranet? Check out other articles in FireOak’s intranet blog post series and stay tuned for our August Intranet Content post in this series.


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