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Knowledge Management And Healthcare Analytics: Presentation from HIMSS14

From HIMSS14: A case study of one group's experiences using knowledge management to improve collaboration across silos.

At the 2014 HIMSS conference, Dr. Joe Kimura (Atrius Health) and Abby Clobridge (FireOak Strategies, previously Clobridge Consulting) presented:

Strategic Expansion of Analytics Capacity through Knowledge Management and Collaboration


Session Description:
As more resources are invested to support “big data,” it is critical that organizations are able to expand the capacity of analytics teams by harnessing existing knowledge, skills, expertise, and know-how. This session will present a case study of one group’s experiences using knowledge management to improve collaboration across silos.

Knowledge Management (KM) can provide a framework for your organization to:

  • Reduce duplication of efforts
  • Improve collaboration across silos
  • Diffuse knowledge of best practices throughout the organization
  • Identify gaps in knowledge, expertise, and know-how
  • Understand how knowledge is reused, applied, adapted
  • Cut down on “reinventing the wheel”
  • Bring new staff members up to speed faster
  • Use KM to help achieve the “Triple Aim” of improved patient care, improved health of populations, and reduced cost of healthcare

More about Knowledge Management:

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