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Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer

Picture of Abby Clobridge

Abby Clobridge

Abby Clobridge is the founder of FireOak Strategies. She works with clients around the world on digital transformation initiatives to enhance how organizations manage, secure, and share their knowledge; optimize business processes; and better leverage technology. You can reach Abby at [email protected].

The Difference Between Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer

Two key concepts in knowledge management — knowledge capture and knowledge transfer — are often used interchangeably. Although they might seem similar, they serve distinct roles in the management and dissemination of organizational knowledge. Understanding the differences and similarities between the two can significantly enhance the effectiveness of KM practices within an organization. 

Knowledge capture and knowledge transfer

Knowledge Capture: An Overview

Knowledge capture is the process of collecting and organizing knowledge from various sources within an organization. This knowledge could be explicit, such as documented processes or procedures, or tacit, which includes personal know-how and experiences of employees. The aim is to systematically gather this information to make it easily findable, accessible, and re-usable. Often, much of the focus of knowledge capture is on transforming knowledge in people’s heads (tacit knowledge) into knowledge assets (explicit knowledge). 

Key Aspects of Knowledge Capture

  1. Systematic Collection: Gathering information from documented and undocumented sources.
  2. Organizational Techniques: Structuring and organizing the collected knowledge in databases, knowledge bases, an intranet, or other repositories. 
  3. Accessibility: Making sure that captured knowledge is easily searchable and retrievable. 

One of the significant advantages of captured knowledge is that it promotes findability of knowledge. When knowledge is systematically collected and organized, employees can quickly locate the information they need, reducing redundancy of effort and improving overall organizational efficiency. (Bonus: it also makes employees happy — making it easier to find, locate, and re-use organizational knowledge makes staff members happier!) 

However, there’s a critical consideration to keep in mind: security. Capturing knowledge often includes confidential and sensitive information, including proprietary data, trade secrets, and other organizational intellectual property. Adequate security measures, such as encryption and access controls, are critical to safeguard valuable knowledge assets against unauthorized access, data breaches, and data leaking out of the organization.  

Knowledge Transfer: An Overview

Knowledge transfer, on the other hand, involves the dissemination of knowledge from one part of the organization to another, or one person to another. Knowledge transfer can be achieved through training sessions, mentorship, documentation, and collaborative tools.

Key Aspects of Knowledge Transfer

  1. Dissemination Methods: Using channels such as workshops, online courses, and documentation. 
  2. Collaboration Tools: Adopting tools such as intranets, content management systems, and social platforms to facilitate knowledge sharing. 
  3. Cultural Emphasis: Fostering a culture of knowledge sharing, collaboration, and continuous learning. 
  4. Working Together: Encouraging the organic transfer of knowledge through peer learning, buddy programs, mentorship programs, and succession planning. 

Effective knowledge transfer ensures that organizational know-how doesn’t remain siloed within departments or individuals. It enhances collective intelligence, drives innovation, and maintains continuity, especially in the face of employee turnover and impending retirements. 

Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer: Similarities and Differences

While knowledge capture and knowledge transfer both aim to manage organizational knowledge effectively, they focus on different stages of the knowledge lifecycle. 


  • Both aim to enhance organizational efficiency and productivity. 
  • Both require technology to serve as an enabler (i.e., through the use of intranets, knowledge bases, repositories, etc.) 
  • Both involve structured processes to handle knowledge in systematic ways. 


  • Stage in Knowledge Lifecycle: Knowledge capture deals with the initial collection and organization of knowledge, while knowledge transfer is focused on sharing that knowledge with relevant stakeholders to encourage knowledge re-use and uptake. 
  • Primary Goal: The primary goal of knowledge capture is to ensure knowledge storage and retrieval, whereas the goal of knowledge transfer is to ensure knowledge sharing and application. 
  • Security Concerns: Knowledge capture involves higher security risks related to the collection of confidential and internal information. 

The Importance of Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer in Knowledge Management

Both knowledge capture and knowledge transfer should be critical parts of an organizational knowledge management strategy. Without knowledge capture, organizations struggle to preserve critical knowledge, potentially losing valuable insights, knowledge, and know-how with employee turnover. On the other hand, without knowledge transfer, captured knowledge remains underutilized, hindering collaboration and innovation.  

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