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Peer Review Week 2019 Highlights Quality in Peer Review

Peer Review Week 2019: Quality in Peer Review

Peer Review Week is celebrating its 5th anniversary this week from September 16-20, 2019. This international event stemmed from a conversation between Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) back in 2015 and has continued to gain momentum with each passing year. Peer Review Week 2019 delves into the theme of “quality in peer review.”

Peer Review Week’s global reach can be found in live and virtual events, webinars, interviews, social media activities, and more. The purpose of these events is to demonstrate how the peer review process encourages and maintains scientific equality. This annual event brings together individuals, institutions, communities, and organizations with one unified goal: to promote the critical nature of the peer review process in scholarly communications.

Why Peer Review Week?

Peer Review Week’s  official website talks about why the annual event is important:

  • The peer review process remains a current practice
  • To emphasize the central role peer review plays is scholarly communication
  • To showcase the work of editors and reviewers
  • To share research and advance best practices
  • To highlight the latest innovation and applications

Peer Review Week 2019 Resources

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