Leading By Example: Seven Knowledge Management Practices for Leaders
Knowledge management tips for business leaders
News, articles, and updates from the FireOak consulting team
Knowledge management tips for business leaders
It’s incredibly easy for organizations to accumulate a ton of new cloud platforms. FireOak recommends conducting a cloud platform check-up on a regular basis — at a minimum, once a year.
FireOak’s tips for talking to your board and organizational leadership team about cybersecurity!
Communities of practice (CoPs) are often deployed by organizations as an effective way to bring together people working in a common or cross-cutting area.
Imagine this scenario. You and your team put in the sweat, from research to implementation, and you have rolled out a shiny new knowledge base to your users. Better yet, it’s being used!
There’s no question, VMs are fantastic. But like anything that is cheap and easy, they have a tendency to persist long past their usefulness. Why invest the time and energy to retire a VM?
When implemented properly, multi-factor authentication dramatically strengthens security defenses, making it much more difficult for attackers to use stolen credentials.
FireOak’s recommended practices for data loss prevention.
Within many organizations, most confidential data is stored in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system such as Salesforce, WorkDay, or SAP. Since these systems have solid technical and security controls built-in, executives often have a false sense of security, and they trust that their digital assets, confidential data, and intellectual property are all properly protected.
This 10-minute knowledge sharing exercise can be a simple, fast, and effective way to get started with knowledge management, without draining resources.
Information Security Considerations for Digital Transformation
Optimizing Business Processes for Efficiency
FireOak is a boutique consulting firm specializing in helping organizations solve all types of information-related problems: information and knowledge management, information technology, information security, digital transformation, business process automation, and integrating AI into business operations. We focus on using technology to solve business process and help enable organizations to be more successful.
FireOak was founded in 2010.
© 2025 FireOak Strategies, LLC.