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Tag: Getting Started with Knowledge Management

Knowledge capture and knowledge transfer

Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer

Two key concepts in knowledge management — knowledge capture and knowledge transfer — are often used interchangeably. Understanding the differences and similarities between the two can significantly enhance the effectiveness of KM practices within an organization.

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Levels of Knowledge Management

Levels of Knowledge Management

A look at four levels of knowledge management (KM): personal or individual; department, project or team; organization-wide; and inter-organizational.

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Knowledge Base Analytics

Knowledge Base Analytics

Imagine this scenario.  You and your team put in the sweat, from research to implementation, and you have rolled out a shiny new knowledge base to your users.  Better yet, it’s being used!

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Findability vs Discoverability

Knowledge Management: Findability vs. Discoverability

One of the top symptoms we encounter when diagnosing knowledge management problems is hearing “I can’t find what I’m looking for” or “I have to troll around in shared folders to learn about stuff.” Both of these statements are indicators of findability and discoverability challenges.

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