Knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer occur in many different forms. Some forms of information and knowledge are tangible – for example, any sort of written communication or structured data in a database – and can easily be transferred to others. From a knowledge management (KM) perspective, this would include all forms of explicit knowledge – i.e., knowledge that can be captured, transferred, and stored. But other practices such as Reiki, meditation, and sound healing all represent alternate ways of creating and sharing knowledge on both conscious and unconscious levels. These types of alternate knowledge creation, acquisition, and transfer practices are more closely related to tacit knowledge – i.e., knowledge that is gained through personal experience. In terms of organizational KM, we often focus more on managing explicit knowledge. But alternative forms of knowledge transfer offer tremendous opportunity for sparking creativity and inspiring the creation new knowledge that might otherwise be missed.

Reiki involves energy transfer that can impart knowledge. Binaural beats use sound frequencies to alter brain waves and potentially impart knowledge subliminally. Although these techniques may seem unconventional, examining how they facilitate knowledge exchange can challenge traditional notions of how we acquire, produce, and disseminate information. Understanding modalities like Reiki and binaural beats provides a more complete perspective on both explicit and implicit knowledge transfer between individuals, and how we communicate cognitively and subconsciously.
Knowledge grows from diverse sources
At FireOak Strategies, we respect and support the idea that knowledge comes from many sources that stem from both traditional and non-traditional outlets. Kelly LeBlanc’s recent article published in Information Today defines Reiki and binaural beats, analyzing how their use enables new perspectives on knowledge curation and diffusion through less mainstream techniques. Traditional knowledge acquisition has its place, but expanding our concept of knowledge requires exploring unconventional sources. Practices like meditation, energy work, and sound healing represent alternative modalities for acquiring insight. Meditation cultivates self-knowledge and reveals our innate wisdom. Reiki and similar energy healing techniques use energetic vibrations to generate intuitive understanding. Auditory therapies like chanting or binaural beats use vibration and frequency to imprint knowledge beyond the rational mind. Practices that enhance intuition, foster compassion, and tap into collective consciousness can surface meaningful knowledge not found in textbooks.
Read the full article on the Information Today website, ” The Energetic Information Superhighway: Reiki and Binaural Beats.”
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