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Enterprise Knowledge Management

Enhance your organization’s overall approach to knowledge management

What is enterprise knowledge management?

When we refer to “enterprise knowledge management,” we’re referring to the ways in which an organization as a whole manages its internal knowledge and information — whether that knowledge is stored in people’s heads or captured in knowledge assets.

Enterprise knowledge management includes the organization-wide processes, procedures, practices, and systems for managing, securing, and transmitting information and knowledge. Often, processes and/or platforms for managing knowledge are adopted by departments or teams in silos within an organization. But with enterprise knowledge management, our focus is on transitioning from ad hoc, uncoordinated, or siloed processes and platforms to a more cohesive, organization-wide approach.

Moving from an ad hoc approach to knowledge management to an enterprise approach is a journey and takes time, process improvements, and change management. The best way to get started with knowledge management is to conduct a current state assessment to examine current processes, platforms, policies, and unofficial practices in place throughout the organization.

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Recognized Expertise

FireOak Strategies was named “Knowledge Management Company of the Year” for 2019 by CIOReview for knowledge management consulting companies/services.

From the FireOak Blog

News and insights from the FireOak team about managing, securing, and sharing knowledge

Intranet content for July
Knowledge Management
Kelly LeBlanc

Intranet Content for July

Content ideas for your organization’s intranet for the month of July — Disability Pride Month, International Day of Friendship, and more.

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Knowledge capture and knowledge transfer
Knowledge Management
Abby Clobridge

Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer

Two key concepts in knowledge management — knowledge capture and knowledge transfer — are often used interchangeably. Understanding the differences and similarities between the two can significantly enhance the effectiveness of KM practices within an organization.

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