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Information and Data Management

Manage Your Organizational Data

Helping organizations manage, create, collect, secure, store, transmit, and share information & data

In today’s digital environment, it is becoming increasingly complex for organizations to manage their information and data. Organizational information and data is likely stored in a mix of on-premises systems and cloud-based platforms, many of which likely have different levels of security. Staff expect to be able to access their files remotely, whether at home or on the road. And for many organizations, staff are expected to collaborate and share with colleagues from other organizations.

All organizations are unique and are trying to accomplish different goals with the information and data they create, collect, analyze, and act upon. But a common theme among all knowledge-based organizations is that they want to be as effective as possible in managing and securing their information and data.

Information & Data Management Services

At FireOak, we work with organizations from all over the world and all sectors to help enhance how they manage, secure, and share their information, data, and knowledge. We take organizational mission, values, regulatory requirements, ways of working, technology preferences, internal expertise and resources, budget constraints, and more into consideration when coming up with ways to help organizations be as effective as possible in all aspects of information and data management.

Our solutions include: 

  • Information/data management current state assessments
  • Data and information governance program development
  • Intranet development
  • Enterprise architecture assessments
  • Taxonomy and metadata support
  • Strategic planning for information and data management
  • Change management
card sorting with post-it notes

Recognized Expertise

FireOak Strategies has been named “Knowledge Management Company of the Year” for 2019 by CIOReview for knowledge management consulting companies/services.

From the FireOak Blog

News and insights from the FireOak team about managing, securing, and sharing knowledge

Optimizing Business Processes for Efficiency

Optimizing Business Processes for Efficiency

Business success hinges on the ability of an organization to adapt and improve. As organizations strive to maintain their competitive edge, Business Process Optimization (BPO) can be a useful mechanism for identifying and eliminating operational inefficiencies.

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Intranet Content for September

Intranet Content for September

September is Self-Improvement Month, a great opportunity to use your organization’s intranet to focus on self-care and self-improvement. Keep reading for more ideas for intranet content for September.

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AI & Automation for small and mid-sized organizations

AI & Automation for Small and Mid-Sized Organizations

When it comes to technology, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) and non-profit organizations historically have been at a disadvantage. However, when it comes to implementing AI and automation, contrary to popular belief, small and midsized organizations may actually have an edge.

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