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FireOak Blog

News, articles, and updates from the FireOak consulting team

Information Security


computer with question marks

Website Vulnerability Assessment FAQ

FireOak conducts website vulnerability assessments for many of our clients. Here are some of the most frequently-asked questions — and our answers! — about these website vulnerability assessments.

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The dark side of open data

The Dark Side of Open Data

The environment around research data management and open data has become incredibly complex—and the evolution doesn’t appear to be slowing down at all.

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#5DaysofData 2019

Responsible Data Use: A 5 Days of Data Twitter Chat

Over the past few years, responsible data has become a hot topic within the world of international development and humanitarian aid. As funding agencies push for open data and data-driven decision making, and digital technologies continue to evolve, development workers, researchers, and other individuals involved in supporting aspects of the data lifecycle are becoming increasingly concerned with what it means to responsibly collect, manage, transmit, and share data in responsible ways.

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