Security Risks with ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
While ChatGPT and other AI platforms have tons of work-related benefits, they also introduce new security risks for organizations. Read more about the risks and FireOak’s recommendations.
News, articles, and updates from the FireOak consulting team
While ChatGPT and other AI platforms have tons of work-related benefits, they also introduce new security risks for organizations. Read more about the risks and FireOak’s recommendations.
5 reasons why you should use cloud-to-cloud backups to protect your data stored in cloud platforms.
Confused about whether your organization needs a penetration test or a vulnerability assessment? Read on to understand the difference between the two and when to use each.
It’s incredibly easy for organizations to accumulate a ton of new cloud platforms. FireOak recommends conducting a cloud platform check-up on a regular basis — at a minimum, once a year.
FireOak conducts website vulnerability assessments for many of our clients. Here are some of the most frequently-asked questions — and our answers! — about these website vulnerability assessments.
We often get asked what’s the best knowledge management system. But getting a new system can lead to platform proliferation without addressing root causes.
The FireOak team keeps an eye out for and shares the most interesting audio based resources, like podcasts, related to managing, sharing, and securing information, data, and knowledge.
Is your staff ready to work from home en masse? Consult the FireOak Strategies Coronavirus Cybersecurity Checklist to prepare your organization.
What’s the state of email security for the 2020 presidential candidates? And what about the security of candidates’ websites? Read more for our analysis!
Over the past few years, responsible data has become a hot topic within the world of international development and humanitarian aid. As funding agencies push for open data and data-driven decision making, and digital technologies continue to evolve, development workers, researchers, and other individuals involved in supporting aspects of the data lifecycle are becoming increasingly concerned with what it means to responsibly collect, manage, transmit, and share data in responsible ways.
Information Security Considerations for Digital Transformation
FireOak is a boutique consulting firm specializing in helping organizations solve all types of information-related problems: information and knowledge management, information technology, information security, digital transformation, business process automation, and integrating AI into business operations. We focus on using technology to solve business process and help enable organizations to be more successful.
FireOak was founded in 2010.
© 2025 FireOak Strategies, LLC.