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Knowledge Management Services

Knowledge Base Development

Build a new knowledge base, update an existing knowledge base, or migrate between platforms

Knowledge Base Services

Are your staff frustrated at how hard it is to find the information they need to do their work? Do staff waste time searching for and downloading documents, policies, forms, or templates? Do you need a better way to provide self-service information to board members, staff, customers, or other stakeholders?

We can help. We’ll make it easier to connect people to the information and knowledge they need to be successful. Developing or revamping an existing knowledge base to match today’s needs might be the solution.

When you work with FireOak Strategies, you work with information and knowledge management experts. We’ll design and implement a knowledge base using your preferred platform — we’re not here to sell you a new system. We’ve worked with all of the major platforms including Microsoft 365, Salesforce, ServiceNOW, and many more.

FireOak’s Knowledge base (KB) services include: 

  • Developing a new knowledge base from scratch
  • Enhancing or updating a knowledge base and its content
  • Reconceptualizing an outdated knowledge base
  • Providing curation services
  • Developing and implementing a custom taxonomy for an organizational knowledge base, including categories and tags
  • Assessing an existing knowledge base and making recommendations for next steps to enhance findability and discoverability
  • Migrating knowledge bases between platforms

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Recognized Expertise

FireOak Strategies was named “Knowledge Management Company of the Year” for 2019 by CIOReview for knowledge management consulting companies/services.

Start the conversation

Reach out to schedule a time to talk. After we understand what you hope to accomplish and what problems you’re trying to solve, we’ll put together a custom proposal and work with you to get started on your consulting engagement. 

From the FireOak Blog

News and insights from the FireOak team about managing, securing, and sharing knowledge

Intranet content for July
Knowledge Management
Kelly LeBlanc

Intranet Content for July

Content ideas for your organization’s intranet for the month of July — Disability Pride Month, International Day of Friendship, and more.

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Knowledge capture and knowledge transfer
Knowledge Management
Abby Clobridge

Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer

Two key concepts in knowledge management — knowledge capture and knowledge transfer — are often used interchangeably. Understanding the differences and similarities between the two can significantly enhance the effectiveness of KM practices within an organization.

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